Port of Seattle Police Department provides testionimal after six years of using eSOPH

March 8, 2018

Port of Seattle Police Department provides testionimal after six years of using eSOPH

“eSOPH has been used by our department for the past six years. It has definitely streamlined and expedited the background process. eSOPH has saved investigators time by having the information inputted on the front end by the applicant. Dozens of references can be sent out by the investigator with a click of the button. All files – paper, audio, or photos, are in one location and accessible by any authorized person from anywhere. Storage issues and clutter is minimized, and work in the field or on the road is simplified. eSOPH is constantly improving based on the input from the users, and they have always been responsive to any questions or problems. Once a background investigation has been completed, all the information can remain in the cloud for easy retrieval or simply exported to a CD. Finally, reports can be run showing statistical information on the people that are being hiring and disqualified.”

– Commander, Port of Seattle Police Department (WA)

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